In Nick's blog, he talks about how any problem can be solved with a future goal and strategic planning, even animal testing. Some people believe we have no other choice but to put our interests over those of the animals in order to advance as a society. The fact that animals need shelter and food, can reproduce, and try to avoid pain and suffering are parallel to our needs as human beings. Human beings do have interests animals do not share but they can be accomplished without volunteering the usage of animals (whether it be for food, testing, entertainment). Nick says that if we are using animals in a way which does not benefit but actually harms them, then what is the point? It is unfair to exploit animals just for humans 'needs' or desires. He goes on to say testing on animals even for extreme reasons which could save thousands of human lives, like finding a cure for AIDS, is also unacceptable because it does harm and kill animals unnecessarily. In the end, he says animals should not be used just to fix the mistakes of the human race. He asks, "Can human and animal interests be aligned?"
I should hope so. Even though human beings see themselves, more often than not, as the superior species, there is no justification for this. Sure, we are more advanced in some ways, are larger than others, are capable of creating societies and cultures, are conscious, and are (usually) intelligent beings, and have our own language. This does not mean we have the right to belittle other species and deem them as lesser. I think the human race lacks major respect even for other people and especially for animals. Because of stem cells and the advances in the medical field, I see no plausible reason for animal testing. Because there are so many organic and vegetarian food options, I see no reason for hunting and slaughterhouses. Since animals are originally from the wild, I see no reason why they should be taken out of their natural habitats and put on display in zoos. I also see no reason for leather jackets and fur coats. Humans need to rethink why exactly we exploit animals the way we do and ask how this benefits the animals we are harming. Then we will be able to see there are so many alternative ways of doing everything which does not include using animals.
Right now, human interests are always almost placed above animals but I do not understand why this couldn't change. Coexistence is really a beautiful thing.
My question to you is: What needs to be done in order for human beings to start seeing their interests as equal to those of all other species?

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