Speciesism is defined as assigning different values or rights to beings and human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species. The term was coined in 1970, by Richard Ryder. However, the word 'species' does not seem to have a set definition much like 'race'. In our society, we all commit acts of speciesism everyday. For instance, some people see it normal to eat cow for dinner but would never think of doing so with the family pet. We not only put ourselves way before other animals but we treat some animals better than others just because of their species. What I don't understand is that the smallest sexist comment or racist joke can label a person as sexist or racist for their entire life. It can really ruin a reputation. However, if a person eats a pig but treats his or her dog with the utmost respect, no one bats an eyelash. To be honest, I didn't even know the term speciesism existed until I took Ethics & Animals. It's interesting how other 'isms' are serious matters in our society but speciesism isn't really thought about and I wonder why. In fact, when I say I think animals should have rights just like humans and mention the word equality, I get confused looks. I do not understand why it is such a foreign idea to see animals as equal beings.
My question to you is:
Topics such as racism and sexism are serious in our society but why do people push speciesism under the rug as if it is unimportant or a nonexistent problem?
Hey Skyla, I responded to this question.
ReplyDeleteHey, Skyla, I forgot to mention this last night but I also responded to your post.